Desire Update 4/1/21

Thanks to James for assisting me with washing the boat.  We used water in 5 gallon buckets with hose attached to a sump pump.  We no longer need to wait for Sailors Cove to turn on the water.  The plan was to wax the boat on Friday and Saturday of this week.  But with temps not getting much out of the 30s until late Sunday we will NOT wax the boat this weekend.  James and Sasha, you will not be needed on Friday and/or Saturday.  FYI, hull temperature should be close to 60 degrees for waxing.

Looking at the weather let’s look at waxing the boat on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.  I can be to the boat by 3:30p and one or two others is big help with the waxing.  Jim and Darla have painted the top red cove strip and will also do the bottom stripe.  Though the cold weather is not really good for painting either.  Worse case we wax the hull from top down to within a couple of inches of the red water line.

Please check your schedules and let me know if you might be available on this coming Tuesday or Wednesday.  Waxing the hull is the last major project in the boat yard. I am aiming for a mid-month launch and then we can work on installing the new RF Unit at NSSC on the lawn.

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